2019 Great Lakes BI & Big Data Summit
The Great Lakes Business Intelligence & Big Data Summit was held on March 7, 2019 at the Detroit Marriott Troy. It was a successful event that brought over 350 IT and BI professionals and over 20 vendors together for one day to exchange innovative ideas, network and glean some insights from real-life case studies.
We had great breakout session speakers who joined us to discuss their experience with data science, how the public sector is implementing analytics, and best practices for establishing an analytics team. Many of these insightful case studies came from local companies like Meritor, BorgWarner, Duo Security, and Kelly Services to name a few. Read our blog for a recap and lessons learned!
THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019 | 8:00AM - 5:00PM
From Big Data and Hadoop, to Blockchains and Chatbots, many organization struggle to adapt to an endless flow of business fads. At first glance, Digital Transformation appears to be yet another fad, blending apps, social media and Internets of Things in a mystical brew of profits derived from vast quantities of data. However, author, engineer and futurist Christopher Surdak argues that Digital Transformation is neither a fad of a buzzword, rather, it is a social, technical and economic phenomenon of historic significance. In this presentation, Surdak will discuss how the Digital Transformation of our world is both understandable and inevitable. Drawing from historical examples he will show how the changes in our world parallel those of the Industrial Revolution and how our society is undergoing a similar, fundamental change; only hundreds of times faster. Finally, he will discuss specific actions that you can take, today, to begin adapting to competition in the digital era.
Presented by: Chris Surdak, Surdak & Co.
Chris Surdak, JD is and award-winning author, innovator, disrupter, engineer and strategist. He is the President of Surdak & Co. - a technology, business and regulatory consultancy. Chris is an industry-recognized expert in big data and analytics, cognitive computing, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, organizational dynamics, and digital transformation with over 20 years of experience.
Chris began his career with Lockheed Martin, where he was a spacecraft systems engineer and rocket scientist. Since then, he has held leadership roles with leading companies such as Accenture, Siemens, Dell, Citibank, HP, and Ernst & Young. Chris is also the author of the books: Jerk: Twelve Steps to Rule the World (2016), Data Crush: How the Information Tidal Wave Is Creating New Business Opportunities (2014), and The Care and Feeding of BOTS, which is set to be released in early 2019.
In the past few decades, data visualization has become a mainstream language for exploration and communication. Researchers and professionals in multiple disciplines, from the sciences to journalism, have adopted it because of its power to make patterns and trends visible. However, do we really read charts well? Maybe not. This talk reveals the most common types of mistakes people make when seeing graphs, maps, and diagrams, and explains how to become a better chart reader.
Presented by: Alberto Cairo, University of Miami
Alberto Cairo, Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the University of Miami. Cairo is the director of the visualization program at UM’s Center for Computational Science, worked previously as director of infographics and multimedia at news publications in Spain and Brazil, and as a professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. As a noted author, freelancer and consultant for companies such as Google, Cairo will share his insight as outlined in his upcoming book How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter About Visual Information, which is set to be released Fall of 2019.
Cairo’s other published works include, The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization (2012) and The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication (2016).
In this session, Joe will discuss the different tools and technologies to deliver rich content at the right time to the right people who will help drive decisions in your Supply Chain. With the ever-increasing data collection technologies, there is a critical need to create easy to use visualizations to pinpoint inefficiencies. This presentation will also cover the different platforms to deliver content to users.
Presented by: Joe Beydoun, Lipari Foods
Joe Beydoun is the Vice President of Technology for Lipari Foods, a wholesale food distributor in the Midwest with over 1,000 employees. He has expertise in warehousing, transportation and analytics systems. He is a member of the leadership team at Lipari Foods and participates in the operational management and strategic planning of the company.
The session will provide a holistic overview of the journey and current state of Domino’s Enterprise Information Management practices which has experienced exponential growth over the last couple of years along with the company. Focus of the session will be around how the organization managed that growth with a staircase approach to adding incremental capabilities and maturity into the enterprise from data readiness to insight to activation and how it supports overall competitive advantage.
Presented by Fred De Letter, Dominos
Fred De Letter is currently leading the Business Intelligence & Enterprise Information Management practice within Domino’s across all enterprise domains including Sales & Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain and HR. His focus is on enabling core analytical insight as well as putting a strategic road map in place to better leverage information as an asset and creating competitive advantage. Focus on business strategy and how analytics can impact. Strategy to include digital transformation, product / data monetization, BI-as-a-Service & automated augmented analytics.
This session will go through how our organization identified three opportunities to use machine learning to solve our business problems. The session will walk through each business problem and outline the key lessons learned for each project when executing a machine learning project. The session will specifically explore how we used tools such as Azure machine learning studio, Azure customer vision API, and R studio for our projects.
Presented by: Jeff Kwiatkowski, USF Holland
Jeff Kwiatkowski is the Director of Data Warehousing and Project Management for USF Holland. For the last 20 years, Jeff has been involved in multiple aspects of business intelligence and data warehousing. Prior to USF Holland, Jeff has worked for Haworth as a business liaison manager and Johnson Controls as a platform manager for the data warehouse and java development teams and program manager for an IoT product. Jeff has also been formally trained on lean manufacturing principals and is a certified six sigma blackbelt.